
We know that plenty of you come to camp not only wanting to consume, but to contribute. So here's your chance! We decided to save a space on the schedule just for you and introduce what we like to call the #a11yOpen.

What is it you ask? It's quite simple, during the #a11yOpen session, we'll host 2-3 short conversations about pre-determined topics. These conversations will run for a short amount of time, when the time runs out, we reset the clock and the next conversation begins. If a conversation runs out of time, feel free to continue it however you feel. Hallways, email, the afterparty... this is all about forging new connections with fellow campers.

How do we select the talks?

We don't. It's 100% up to you! During the morning up until 1pm, attendees will be encouraged to submit ideas in the middle "breakout" room. During this time, everyone is encouraged to vote for whichever topics interest them the most. The topics with the most amount of votes will be selected.

How the conversations will work

When the time comes to discuss a particular topic, whoever suggested the topic will kick off the conversation with a quick (two minute max) intro. After that, folks can raise their hand and a runner will bring a microphone to them. Remember to keep your points short and on topic so everyone has a chance to participate.

Some basic rules:

  1. Don't monopolize the conversation. Even if the topic was your suggestion, these are NOT lightning talks or sales pitches. You are there to engage in polite conversation to share ideas and opinions around a specific topic.
  2. Stay on topic. The topics were selected because they received enough votes from people who wanted to talk about them.
  3. Be respectful. We are there to engage with each other and share opinions. We are not there to argue or make anyone feel as though their opinion isn't valuable.
  4. Pitches get stitches. For real. If your talk suggestion turns into a sales pitch, we will shut it down.

Most importantly, have fun!

Our Sponsors

If you are interested in sponsoring #a11yTO, please email us at sponsor@a11yto.com.